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Better value.

As a self-funded heart care patient, you can choose without compromise. With Global Heart USA, you'll have the very best heart care provided by world-renowned physicians and surgeons whose only concern is the outcome you desire.

You can be sure of advance facilities. You and your loved ones will enjoy the services of a full-service concierge. You'll experience the peace of mind that follows uncompromised choice. All for as little as half the cost of other leading programs in the United States.

Our Physicians

our physicians

We've brought together a team of exceptional heart care specialists whose skills are matched by their commitment and compassion.

Our Services

our Services

From diagnosis through even the most challenging procedures and aftercare, we center heart care on you and your peace of mind.

Our Location

our location

Rich in history, culture and spirit, Austin, Texas, is one of America's great cities. Our home is Austin, but our scope is global.